Thursday 27 December 2012

The Girl (2012) - TV

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After hearing a lot of Hitchcock’s unconventional style of directing this film intrigued me and therefore this film is very interesting. It is a very one-sided portrayal of the story, and it is doubtable that it is wholly factual. This does seem to thrive off of the entertainment factor than an analysis of exploitation in the artistic workplace, but it has a Christmas-time release and therefore little else could be expected. 

This cannot be viewed as a factual documentary as it says at the beginning at this is based on Tippi and onlookers perspectives, not Hitchcock’s. This seems incredibly unfair as Hitchcock is presented as the villain in this and surely he should be allowed a voice. Historical documentaries, films or otherwise, should not be for entertainment and therefore should not present a villain and an innocent.
The look of this film is very stylised. It’s pretty but minimalistic so that you focus of the characters as they are the stars. There are some scenes that clearly are meant to emulate some of Hitchcock’s style, however they seem quite alien just thrown into this film. Hitchcock’s style, obviously, is used throughout the entirety of his films and this makes his films masterful; randomly incorporated into a different style they look odd and over dramatic.

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