Wednesday 25 September 2013

Farm Story (also Bakery Story and Fashion Story) - App created by TeamLavaGames

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The most addictive game ever. Just like Farmville on Facebook this is another basic farm set out where you have to plant different plants and they grow over a period of a few hours then you repeat the process.

Unlike Farmville as you progress through the levels the actual farming doesn't get easier, I remember that on Farmville you could get machines that would harvest lots of crops at once, this does not happen. Instead you get a larger variety of foods, animals or decorative items. This means that the game isn't as good as Farmville because the lazy ones among us (me being one) will get annoyed with having to press on hundreds of squares of land several times to harvest, plough and plant.

The true evil genius behind this game is the use of offering extras. You can get gems or coins if you play some of their other (free) games and as you progress through them. Because of this tactic I now have 3 of their games and am constantly checking them with no valid reason.

I would recommend these apps to anyone who likes to waste their lives on their phones. They use clever tactics to pull you into their apps and everything so far has been free so I don't begrudge them clever marketing. They have a large variety, Farm Story was just the first that I came across and therefore the one I know the best, because of this a lot of people can have at least one of the apps and enjoy it while others can have a collection of them.

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