Friday 8 November 2013

Gravity (2013) - Film directed by Alfonso Cuarón

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A beautiful and interestingly shot film, however it has one major flaw in my opinion which I find odd that more critics have not picked up on. Be aware that there might be spoilers although I'm going to try to avoid them as much as possible.

Sandra Bullock was surprisingly good, I normally am not a fan, but she carried the film well. There was a token Indian character and I should have realised that the film was going to become very Hollywood cliché after this token character was killed off in the first 20 minutes. Clooney is also good but he plays himself, a likeable and charming character. There is an appearance of his character which made me angry because he basically saved Bullock's character and it was frustrating.

The film was stunningly beautiful, not as good as my favourite Life of Pi, but still incredibly well done. From the stars to the earth I was staring at the beauty of the background and not really aware that it was CGI. The main difference between Life of Pi CGI and Gravity that I noticed was when the two main characters were in water. In Pi, when he fell in during the storm, the water was calming and beautiful. In contrast when water was use in Gravity (desperately trying to not give anything too much away) it was incredibly sinister and threatening.

The friend that I was with said that the plot seemed to be a secondary thought, and I completely agree. I even wonder if they had a different ending and then some idiot came along and asked them to change it. The ending was too Hollywood. 70% of the film was brilliant and innovative but then in the last 30 minutes everything suddenly fit into place and became a typical Hollywood. I was disappointed by the ending and how it came about and I think it seriously affected the film.

It is well worth a watch and worth the attention it has got because it is good and beautiful. It has flaws which mean that I don't think it should be as highly praised as it is but I suppose Hollywood films are the most successful because that is what people want.

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