Tuesday 26 November 2013

Secret Diary of a Call Girl (2007-2011) - TV series staring Billie Piper

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Story follows Billie Pipers character, Hannah/Belle, as she goes about her life trying to juggle being a normal 20-something year old and a secret high-class prostitute. It deals with her family, professional and friend relationships and is an interesting look at life with the added element of her being a rather unusual girl.

Firstly, Billie Piper is brilliant. Most of the cast are, but Billie has the difficult task of making a prostitute sympathetic and likeable. The programme, because it's based off a diary, gets Billie to talk to the camera, which is a good idea because it means that she is much more relatable because we see into her mind.

The programme, although there are sex scene, isn't overly sexualised. They deal with the inevitable, you can't have a prostitute as a main character and not show them at their job, but at least 90% of the programme she is fully clothed and not with a client.

The secondary characters are all interesting. Her best friend is a likeable character and their relationship seems genuine. There are a few characters that are simply annoying, like her sister, but they are necessary evils because not every character can be enjoyable to watch. Without the extra cast member this could become gratuitous but they add a normality. 

It's well made and enjoyable. Billie carries the show well and is surrounded by interesting characters. It doesn't alienate the audience or overly glamorise prostitution, as some people claim. It shows a pleasant middle ground where you can respect her job but not necessarily feel as though you want to get involved.

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