Sunday 16 February 2014

Her (2014) - Film directed and written by Spike Jonze

5 word summary:
Love is complicated (as always).

5 sentence review:
This film seemed like a self-help book set in the future, which I wasn't expected and was disappointed about, however this is mostly because I strongly detest films like this because they provide a bildungsroman type of character who we are meant to care about and I just don't (Perks of Being a Wallflower and The Way Way Back are other examples that come to mind) .
I was watching hoping to see an interesting and unique love story, instead I was punched in the face with moralistic spiel about how unique and complicated humans and love are.
It follows the trend that many auteur films do because these creator believes that (s)he know a lot, and what they know is worth listening to; as Jonze wrote and directed Her he is an auteur director, in my opinion, and follows the pattern of presenting his views and musings on life as fact.
If Jonze had handed this story over to someone who could have written it from a less personal stand-point I think this film would have improved, but this is clearly just my opinion that not many other people agree with.
Aside from the rather pointless plot and unnecessarily preachy script the film was masterfully directed and acted, I can understand why so many people love it however I find it very difficult to overlook one of my major cinematic pet-peeves, preaching.

5 good things:
1. Joaquin Phoenix's performance.
2. The realistic and relaxed presentation of the future.
3. Amy Adams!
4.The look of the film (especially the use of space).
5. People being accepting of Operating System relationships.

5 bad things:
1. Joaquin Pheonix's unexplained moustache.
2. The preachy nature of the script
3. The ending (I didn't understand it so may need to watch again)
4. How little Rooney Mara, Chris Pratt and Olivia Wilde were in it.
5. The beauty spot the surrogate Samantha wore.

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