Tuesday 10 June 2014

22 Jump Street (2014) - Sequel to 21 Jump Street


5 word summary:

Better than the first one.

5 sentence review:

I wasn't expecting much from the first film but was presently surprised, and the same happened with this one; they really stepped up their game and managed to improve on an already good thing.

The new characters we all really good, especially of Zook and Maya, and they added to the humour of the film without trying to overshadow Channing Tatum and Jonah Hill's characters, and replaced Dave Franco without making me miss him.

The plot was definitely put aside in favour of the comedy, but that is ok because they delivered on the laughs and part of the joke was that the film was a little repetitive, clichéd and excessive, so everything worked really well.

It's difficult to analyse this film because the basics are: if you want to laugh this is a good film for you, it's especially good for people (like me) who want to de-stress after their uni exams.

I hope that there is a third because the films definitely don't disappoint, however I am wondering where they would go next.

5 good things:

1.  It's actually funny.

2.  So self aware and so amazing, 'it's looks just like an ice cube!'

3. Good use of new/old characters.

4. Despite being quite long for a comedy, it didn't feel long.

5. The credits were very clever.

5 bad things:

1. College is just not how it's portrayed in films

2. There seems to be a suggestion that they don't want to do another one (although with all the good reviews about this, I'm sure there will be a third)

3.  Why does Jonah Hill always get the girl? And the incredibly pretty girls at that.

4. The villains/twist wasn't great, although it was quite redundant anyway because the jokes are more important than the plot.

5. Struggling to think of any more...

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