5 word summary:
Female limitless with more violence.
5 sentence review:
can't say this was a good film, and certainly not to the standard I
would hope from Besson, but it did make you think and you could see that
there was an attempt to make a more intelligent film than the normal
action, unfortunately Christopher Nolan already accomplished this with
people have called this film feminist because of the 'strong female
character' but it isn't really because he cast one of the most beautiful
and famous actresses (hardly a risk there) and she was only 'strong'
because of circumstances beyond her control, so it's just a normal film.
plot was interesting, as said in the summary very similar to Limitless,
but I felt as though it became absurd because Lucy developed psychic
powers which she could use perfectly immediately, as this film is based
within a 24-48(ish) hour time period, and I felt as though we should see
more development than just, 'Boom! I know what to do.'
The ending of the film was odd, and Lucy says, 'Life
was given to us a billion years ago. Now you know what you can do with
it,' and I've got to be honest, I really don't; the ending was far too
ambiguous and, although my Dad and I discussed the film all the way
home, we still didn't reach anywhere near a conclusion to what the film
was trying to tell us.
film is worth a watch because it's difficult to fully explain, and it's
great to discuss, but you do leave the cinema thinking 'eh?' rather
than 'oohhh!' (Articulate as always).
5 good things:
1. Not set in America (although filled with Americans)
2. A lot of other languages other than English spoken and nationalities other than American cast.
3. It was short.
4. Unadulterated violence!
5. Dinosaur!
5 bad thing:
1. What was the message?
2. The kiss.
3. Some clichéd decisions in acting/directing (such as the glasses lowered to glare at the dog moment).
4. Less sci-fi, more magic.