Thursday 21 August 2014

Sorry for the silence!

Wow, ok, a hideously long and unexpected hiatus.

No real excuses other than letting things get in my way (like holidays and a summer job) but hopefully I'm back (maybe not with a vengeance but hopefully without months between posts).

I will try to complete my current 3/5 part series, and my rule of 5 will continue in my reviews (as will my cheating brackets).

It's terribly easy to fall out of the habit of doing these reviews, but I love doing them and hopefully I'll be able to pick myself back up again.

Please bear with my fickle and sporadic nature but hopefully reviews will be coming steadily throughout the rest of my summer holidays (which end at the end of September) and then once uni starts again I'll be able to go full throttle because I'll be procrastinating marvellously!

Skruff :)

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