Wednesday 28 November 2012

Hesher (2010)

* * *

An indie comedy/drama with a very dark edge and a fairly well known cast. Joseph Gordon-Levitt as Hesher gives this film spontaneity and intrigue however the rest of the premise is cliché and so this becomes another typical indie film.

There are no explanations for Hesher’s character and as an observer you just have to go along with him. Hesher is the only unique-ish character in this film as the others consist of a despondent father, frustrated child and geeky friend/unrequited love interest. Although all the parts are well played the writers seemed to have focused on creating Hesher and have either forgotten the others or diminished their personas to make Hesher stand out more.
If you remove Hesher from this film it is a fairly standard indie film plot and its only stand-out point is its title character; there are no surprises in this film and the end is equally nondescript. It is enjoyable and funny at points however once over there is little seen that has not been seen before.

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