Wednesday 28 November 2012

Brave (2012)

* * * * 1/3

This film seems to embody more elements of a Disney film than a Pixar one, and in all fairness this is probably due to the fact the lead is a Princess (typical Disney) and not a toy or fish or monster (classic Pixar). However this film shows all of Pixar’s animation skills (it is difficult to distract yourself from just staring at Merida’s hair) and a host of memorable characters and maintains Pixar’s humour and heart.

The sound track and scenery (both thoroughly Celtic) are lovely. Setting this in Scotland was a good idea as throughout the film people were mimicking the accents and having added fun with it - which is what Pixar films are all about. Despite this fairly unique setting, the story is reminiscent of a few films and obviously predictable (as with almost all children’s films) and therefore towards the end you do not emotionally connect as you know what will happen.
From a stroppy teenager to a fierce mother every character is masterfully created to be liked. The tone is light-hearted and there is always a joke just around the corner and this demonstrates that Pixar was focusing on making a children’s film this time rather than a cartoon for adults and their kids. If the writers had deviated from the traditional storyline this film would have been perfect, sadly they played it safe and therefore it falls, slightly, short.

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