Wednesday 28 November 2012

Memento (2000)

* * *

A clever and confusing thriller with an interesting premise but on overly complicated ending. The story lent itself to a grand finale but for some reason the writers chose to add in a twist, this was unnecessary and seemed anti-climatic for me.
It is dark and you never really know who to trust or even like. It is difficult to feel pity for Guy Pearce’s character as he has become a determined killer and this gives the story less gravitas. This is more a film of style than substance and its true power is the way it has been made rather than what it is about.
The concept and the way the film is pieced together is wonderful, Christopher Nolan clearing has a very powerful imagination and can craft bizarre stories into magnificent films. My personal issue with the ending cannot detract from the fact that, according to popular consensus, this is an impressive film.

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