Wednesday 28 November 2012

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (2011)

* * * *

The remake was unnecessary as the original is a very good film and the simple fact that it has to be read as well as watched should not deter many; the plot is complex and there is 18 rating therefore it is not for mass viewing anyway. The English version is clearing trying to ride off of the success of the Swedish version as a lot of the original is mimicked. Non-the-less this version is very good, as is the first, and there is a true dedication to the difficult roles and story.

It is filmed with a darkness that befits the story and the actors carry the parts very well. It seems however, as this is an English remake of a film only made 3 years before, that the accent are unnecessary and slightly distracting. Everyone knows the actors are not Swedish and that the only reason this film has been made is for lazy film watchers to see, no one needs a reminder of the Swedish roots of this story.
Having seen the original Swedish version first it is difficult to review this film as they are incredibly similar. The main difference is the ending, this version shortened the big reveal, and it made it simpler, and then extended Lisbeth’s ending. The Swedish version uses mostly flashbacks to explain the secrets at the centre of this story, while this film focuses a lot more on character and performance as the secrets are mainly revealed through conversations. They both leave the film on slight cliff-hangers however this changes tack, it is a more worrying, angst filled ending.

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