Wednesday 25 September 2013

Farm Story (also Bakery Story and Fashion Story) - App created by TeamLavaGames

* * * *

The most addictive game ever. Just like Farmville on Facebook this is another basic farm set out where you have to plant different plants and they grow over a period of a few hours then you repeat the process.

Unlike Farmville as you progress through the levels the actual farming doesn't get easier, I remember that on Farmville you could get machines that would harvest lots of crops at once, this does not happen. Instead you get a larger variety of foods, animals or decorative items. This means that the game isn't as good as Farmville because the lazy ones among us (me being one) will get annoyed with having to press on hundreds of squares of land several times to harvest, plough and plant.

The true evil genius behind this game is the use of offering extras. You can get gems or coins if you play some of their other (free) games and as you progress through them. Because of this tactic I now have 3 of their games and am constantly checking them with no valid reason.

I would recommend these apps to anyone who likes to waste their lives on their phones. They use clever tactics to pull you into their apps and everything so far has been free so I don't begrudge them clever marketing. They have a large variety, Farm Story was just the first that I came across and therefore the one I know the best, because of this a lot of people can have at least one of the apps and enjoy it while others can have a collection of them.

Tuesday 24 September 2013

Meet the Robinsons (2007) - Film directed by Stephen J. Anderson

* * *

A very light and fluffy animation which is lovely because now-a-days everything is becoming grittier however this is slightly too sweet for anyone over the age of about 5. Lewis is an orphan inventor who is looking for his real family but when a mysterious time-traveller called Wilbur adventures happens.

It is very heart-warming because Lewis finds what he is looking for in an unexpected way. I always welcome a happy ending and this one definitely fits the bill. To juxtapose a happy ending however it is fairly necessary for there to be periods of unhappiness and there wasn't really any of that. Moments of sadness, such as a failed adoption interview, were punctuated with humour, in one case a malfunctioning peanut butter and jam sandwich filling machine. Taking a leaf out of Pixar's book the creators could have brought the film into much darker territory and still make it happy in the end.

There is a quirky cast of characters as with essentially every animated film or comedy ever. Most are fairly boring despite their eccentricity and there are far too many so the audience cannot focus on someone long enough to really care about them. My personal favourite characters were Goob, who is Lewis's fellow orphan room-mate, and a dinosaur who acts very much like a dog.

The film is good and definitely made for children. It is colourful and loud and showy and doesn't have a huge amount of substance other than the strong concept of family love. I wouldn't recommend it over other films but if someone wanted to watch it I wouldn't say that they shouldn't either.

Saturday 21 September 2013

A Midsummer Night's Dream (2013) - Play by William Shakespeare performed at the Noel Coward Theatre

* * * * 1/2

A stunning take on the Shakespearean comedy which allows a modern audience to easily grasp the language and enjoy the story fully. The setting had been modernised slightly, with hippy fairies and some cast members suited, this made the characters more recognisable than corseted and tight-wearing performers. The play is a disaster for love with four people all in love with the wrong person, with a little help from mischievous magic, and several bumbling actors who are terrorised by more fairy magic.

The cast were magnificent. David Walliams played Bottom and was ridiculously funny but also incredibly adept with the Shakespearean language because every line of his was completely understandable either through a well considered gesture or clever inclination. Sheridan Smith played Titania and she was amazing as a free-love hippy fairy queen. The supporting cast, less well known because they are not TV stars, were also very good, not a single person stuck out as a weak link. Shakespearean acting and London obviously go hand-in-hand and this show and cast did not disappoint.

The costumes and set design were really creative and suited the show. A lot of members in the audience would be very pleased because there are an awful lot of male torsos on show as well as women with cleavage out. Aside from the lack of clothing, the clothing that was there enhanced the characters. Titania had an eye-catching dress to set her apart from the ramshackle fairies, while the actors were dressed in shirts and waistcoats to promote a sense of dignity among them. The set was quite gothic and beautiful and caught my attention instantly. It was minimal and there was only one change but the space was decorated and used well.

The tiniest of gripes that I have with the production is the random moments of modern music and dance routines. I do not mind modern touches in old plays but these seemed quite forced and instead of moving along the plot were used as time fillers or distractions while cast members were changing. Obviously I understand the necessity for moments like these but I found them slightly too numerous and I think a better was of filling time could have been found.

Overall it was spectacular and strong in all areas. The crowd were laughing and applauding throughout and it was a great interpretation of Shakespeare. Not only did they modernise the setting but they brought the acting into the 21st century and made everything completely compatible with modern characters and ideas.

Friday 20 September 2013

Pitch Perfect (2012) - Film directed by Jason Moore

* * 

After the Glee craze it was only a matter of time before glee club inspired films would start cropping up. The problem with Glee and with this film is that often the comedy is based off of bizarre characters and the audience often ends up laughing at them.The film follows a generic bored-by-the-world character who is coerced into joining a dysfunctional glee club and 'hilarity' ensues. 

One of the most important things about anything with music is the music and unfortunately only some of the songs are good. They had an odd mixture of music of the moment songs, which were the type of songs that will be forgotten in a few years so it makes the film seem forgettable too, and classic songs which are not very popular even now. Surprisingly the stand-out song is The Cup Song which was the original one.

The humour was limited despite the cast which was actually very promising. They went for very easy laughs, even Rebel Wilson which was disappointing. The cast of kooky characters with one normal person is such an overdone method of creating comedy that it wasn't interesting. It's annoying that a lot of people are promoting these heavily female dominated films as being just like male dominated comedies when they could actually  be cleverer and funnier by being different. 

An disappointing film, especially after it being promoted so highly by people on tumblr. It was too cliqued and over the top and seemed to have very little effort put into it.

Thursday 19 September 2013

The Fault in Our Stars (2012) - Book by John Green

* * * *

After hearing so much about this book I have finally managed to read it. I wasn't expecting it to be as good as everyone has been saying because, although I love the Vlogbrothers channel, I am not a fan of John Green's writing. I was very pleasantly surprised because not only was the book enjoyable but I was quickly drawn in and had a strong desire to keep reading even at 3am. In case you have only just acquired the internet, it is a story about a young girl, Hazel Grace, who is dying from cancer and her encounter with the metaphor loving Augustus Walters.

The story is very hard-hitting because it is about such a terrible topic and anyone would well-up during reading. Sadly I was not overly interesting in Augustus, I dislike pretension and he was quite self-admittedly a pretentious character. The moments that affected me the most were the points where the parents were speaking to Hazel and dealing with losing their daughter. These sections were written very well, possibly because John is a father, and made me feel very emotional. The reader can sympathise with all those affected by the cancer, those physically suffering and the others who are close to them.

The characters were good. Teenage girls written by men are normally awful but Hazel Grace was quite normal, believable and likeable. The adults were quite perfect and very parent-like, familiar to all who were reading. The friends, however, were slightly mixed. Isaac, a fellow cancer patient was funny and likeable whereas Kaitlyn, a school friend of Hazel's, is quite clichéd as an over-dramatic secondary friend.

After finishing the book didn't resonate with me the way it has seemed to with so many other people but it really isn't the genre that I enjoy. It was well written and enjoyable and I hope that the film does it justice. I'm glad that John Green has written a book that I enjoy because I feel like a better Nerd Fighter but I worry that the other Nerd Fighters promoting it so strongly has diminished my enjoyment of the book because nothing was a surprise.

Tuesday 17 September 2013

Phineas and Ferb (2007 - ) - TV series on the Disney Channel

* * * *

I was introduced to this series by a friend who knows that I also like programmes such as Adventure Time. I've only watched a few episodes but I adore the show. Phineas and Ferb are step brothers and best friends who are incredibly adept at and building anything from an observatory to giant spinning tops. This is another of the TV programmes for children that has also been adopted by many young adults because of its humour but also the effort that has been put into it.

Firstly the characters are wonderful. They are mostly friends or family and despite the sister having a vendetta against her brothers, who always avoid any trouble, all the characters work together and love each other. Ferb doesn't talk a lot, in fact in several episodes he has no lines at all, but everyone just accepts this in him and Phineas treats him with such respect. It is difficult to explain fully because they are cartoon characters but they all work so well together and I like anything where there is no major conflict.

Having only watched a few of the episodes I was worried that it would be a repetitive but it isn't. They involve various characters, locations and storylines. There is a basic formula that it adheres to but after watching a few episodes it doesn't stagnate but rather the viewer becomes more aware of inside jokes. There is also a lot of referential humour, for instance the latest episode I watched was about a Lake Nose Monster and there were a few Citizen Kane references which shows that the programme isn't entirely created for children.

The very minor problem that I have with the programme is Perry the Platypus. He is Phineas and Ferb's pet who is also an agent that stops Dr. Heinz Doofenshmirtz 'evil' plans. I find Perry slightly obsolete as a character because he doesn't do a lot and instead Dr. Doofenshmirtz is there for comedy and Perry's presence is just for him to have someone to talk to and be funny with.

Overall the programme is really good and I suppose it inspires children to do a little more with their friends and family, even if it's not inventing giant ant farms and enlargement rays. It's enjoyable for a range of ages and I have heard parents in their 40s saying that they actually enjoy watching it with their children which is really important. I would recommend it to anyone who likes Adventure Time, Spongebob Squarepants, etc.

Sunday 15 September 2013

Amadeus (1984) - Film directed by Milo Forman

* * *

A funny period film about Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and his rival Antonio Salieri. I have a major problem with films of this kind because I have no idea how to separate the fact from the fiction. I don't know if the people were real, the circumstances, the events, the story. I don't know and that is irksome because in the back of my mind a lot of the stuff that happens in the film will be associated with Mozart and a lot of it may have nothing to do with him.

I knew nothing about this film because I had never heard of it before and the day I watched it it came highly recommended. It very quickly turned into a humorous look at an interesting man in an interesting time period. The humour is light and it doesn't take over the film but adds to the story and the characters who are often very over-the-top.

There is a lot of music, obviously, in this film and if you are a fan of Mozart or classical music then this will be very good. It seems a lot like musicals or the like which take moments out of the film to play music to the audience. While this is nice, because you hear some of Mozart's work, it makes the film ridiculously long. Horribly long. By the end I was bored and this is not the way anything should end (always leave them wanting more). I don't think that the musical sequences should be cut out but I think there is a lot of superfluous footage that could just go away and make the whole film more manageable and enjoyable to watch.

If you love the opulence and style of the late 18th century then you will enjoy looking at the film and the odd touches of humour are much appreciated. There are quite major flaws in the film which can be so easily rectified and that is frustrating. If you can watch a biographical film and not constantly question the accuracy then maybe you will enjoy the film more than I did.

Saturday 14 September 2013

Big Fish (2003) - Film directed by Tim Burton

* * * * 1/2

This film is basically unrecognisable as a Tim Burton film because it doesn't have the usual blue filter and the characters aren't oddly gothic and because of this it has been called the Tim Burton film for people who don't like Tim Burton. I don't think that this is justified because there are so many of his normal traits in Big Fish. The quirky characters, humour, magical realism and the presence of Helena Bonham Carter all feature in this and are reminiscent of others Burton films. The plot is about an old man who is dying remembering his youth and his discovery of the world and himself through fairly magical circumstances.

There are two stories running at once, one about a dying father reconnecting with his son and then the father's life story. The first arch is slightly boring although crucial to the overall message of the film. As someone who likes fantasy real life appears very mundane and therefore these bits just seem slow and ordinary but that is how they are meant to be because the father's life and imagination is supposed to be the interesting part of this film.

The father's life is fascinating and enjoyable, he is played by two great actors, Ewan McGregor as young and Albert Finney as old. Juxtaposed against the reality of the other story means that the past world appears much brighter and more interesting. The magical moments that occur and help him in his life are carefully chosen and presented in a way that often seems to suggest they could be real. Some things are obviously exaggeration, such as a werewolf and a witch, but then others could be true, such as a hidden town and giant.

The film is difficult to summarise because it is weird and wonderful but also because it has some undefinable qualities. Sometimes you watch a film and you just like it with no definitive reasons but just a certainty that it's good. It is a well made film with a great cast, interesting story and a perfect touch of fantasy to satisfy those, like me, who need it but not overwhelm the people who prefer people driven stories. It is a Burton film for anyone who likes films.

Friday 13 September 2013

District 9 (2009) - Film directed by Neill Blomkamp

* * * * *

An amazing sci-fi film that offers a much ore interesting look at alien invasion and how humans would interact with them. The story is rife with metaphors and symbolism about how humans treat/have treated each other and this becomes more poignant because it is set in South Africa home of apartheid. The plot follows a bumbling Wikus Van De Merwe (played by the exceptional Sharlto Copley) during a time when the government is trying to relocate the aliens.

This is a fairly unique film because it doesn't focus on invading aliens but rather how they would be treated in earth, and it assumes that they wouldn't be treated very well. Along with the ridiculously good CGI aliens and the documentary style of filming the entire movie is incredibly believable. It is a bleak look at humanity and how we treat those who we consider an 'other'.

I've mentioned the CGI aliens and they are a triumph. They look incredibly realistic and are very detailed creatures. There are a couple of aliens who we see more closely and who interact with Wikus and these are given personality, enough personality to make the audience feel for the aliens and even like them. The minor problem is that the aliens are given their own language, which is subtitled, but they supposedly understand English and the people understand the alien language but neither speak the other's language at any time.

The film is not a happy one, it starts as if it were possibly going to be a comedy because Wikus foolish, however as the film progresses it darkens significantly. There is a fair amount of gruesome moments which can make you squirm and action moments that are quite brilliant, especially because the aliens have their own technology which means there are interesting guns and machines.It has everything you could really want from a sci-fi film.

District 9 combines brilliant CGI and acting with an innovative and thought-provoking narrative to produce an wonderful film. You care about the characters and because of this the ending is quite bitter sweet. I haven't seen Elysium, which has one of the District 9 writers and the same director, but I have high hopes for what this man can achieve. 

Thursday 12 September 2013

Pan's Labyrinth (2006) - Spanish film directed by Guillermo del Toro

* * * *

This is often thought of as a horror film by those who haven't seen it, possibly because of the spooky poster and terrifying creature creations, however it is actually just quite sinister and creepy, the only horrific things are the bloody violent sequences. The film takes place in fascist Spain on a house that is owned by a brutal captain of the Spanish army. After her pregnant and ailing mother marries the captain a fanciful girl moves to this place and discovers magic within the Labyrinth. 

The film is marvellous for anyone who was the type of child who lived in stories and dreamed of magic and fairies. The darkest and most dangerous moments in the film are all to do with humans and reality, even though some of the magical creatures appear dangerous at first. The magic used is very creative because there is a mixture of classic, such as fairies or mandrake root, but there are also new ideas, such as the Pale Man. A balance between known and unknown magic is really useful because sometimes a magical realm can become overwhelming if everything has been created just for this one story. 

The brutality in the film is quite shocking. A lot of violence is shown and countless pints of blood and this can be really off-putting to a lot of viewers. Personally I am not overly squeamish and this made me squirm a fair amount. The violence is justified, however, because it is (apparently) based on real events that occurred during Spain's fascist period. Gore for shock is not always needed in a film, just like some sex scenes, however gore that proves a point, develops a character and marks a period in history is effective and it is the latter type of gore that you find in Pan's Labyrinth.

The film can be confusing because there are a few plots running at once. The girl's magical quest to help her mother through a difficult pregnancy and become a princess of another world, and the captain's fascist vendetta against the opposition. The two topics are obviously distinct and there is little crossover between the two, however sometimes you really get into one of them and then everything switches suddenly and you have to try to remember at which point the other storyline was at. It's not a huge problem but it means that you have to stay fairly alert while watching this film.

Pan's Labyrinth is (I think) the only Spanish film that I have seen and if it is a marker for what wonders Spanish cinema can produce then I will definitely be looking into watching more. A beautifully twisted fairytale for the adult dreamers but also a poignant look at a terrible time in Spanish history.

Wednesday 11 September 2013

Blackout (2013) - Film made for Channel 4

* * * *

This film was advertised as a type of documentary about how Britain would react to a week long blackout. Throughout the film there were facts displayed intermittently as inter-titles but other than that it comes across as a drama film. The premise of Blackout is that it looks like real footage caught on phones or video cameras, although is obviously acted and scripted, about several people and how the blackout affects them.

My favourite thing about this film was its guerilla style because it is very common nowadays to see such filming especially during interesting events like an extended blackout. The acting was good enough that you believed that they could be real people although some of the situations seemed slightly excessive, for instance one man and his wife kept arguing about different types of water which is a minor problem at any time.

A majority of the things that happen away from the main characters, such as rioting and thievery, are very realistic and can easily be imagined happening during a troubled time. The film makers obviously used footage from the London Riots in 2011 and also used the Prime Minster's words but kept them vague to make real footage appear to comply with this situation. I thought that this was clever and a good use of archives, rather than hiring an actor to play a Prime Minister or break the budget on sets that need to be destroyed.

The story was quite harrowing because a few of the people really struggle, mostly caused by other people being inconsiderate and selfish. This is the disturbing thing about the film because it reminds you that in when things go wrong there are thousands willing to take advantage. Personally I felt as though the message about how important the Nation Grid is to Britain was lost in a more political message about interpersonal relations within London and the fact that there can be a lack of decency. Some stories show people banding together to help each other while others show destruction caused by antisocial behaviour.

Overall I thought it was very interesting and compellingly put together. It certainly makes you appreciate the fact that we have electricity, running water, etc. and aware of how quickly society can crumble without the luxuries we have become so used to. Obviously some points were over-dramatised but it doesn't detract from the film as a whole.

Tuesday 10 September 2013

Fame (1980) - Film directed Alan Parker

* * *

An interesting film and not what I was expecting. Watching this was a little bit like my experience of watching Saturday Night Fever because you know that they are both about dance/music but you don't realise that they also explore quite deep story lines. Fame follows numerous ambitious students in a prestigious New York high school for dance, drama and music.

The film has a weird inconsistent energy because there are long fairly boring sequences that don't seem to aid the story and only slow down the film. In addition the dance and musical sequences don't fit in with the rest of the film because this isn't a musical so the songs don't inform the viewer and the dance is just for spectacle.

The character's back stories are quite compelling and cover a wide range of teenage issues from overbearing parents to sexuality. The fact that they explore so many problems that a lot of teenagers might be able to relate to is probably why this film is quite popular, similar to the Breakfast Club. Unfortunate I found some of the characters unlikeable and therefore not overly relatable but that is personal taste.

Slightly disappointing for such a famous film but it might be a case of the song in the film of the same name being more famous and well known. The main topics span the test of time because it seems that in any era teenagers will always be struggling with the same issues. Similarly the genre of musical students is a fairly popular one with films such as Step Up or Hairspray.

Monday 9 September 2013

Ouran High School Host Club (2006) - Japanese TV show

* * * * 1/2

I approached this series not having ever watched any anime before and was very confused for the first few episodes by the style, as I watched more episodes, and especially after I had watched the series twice, I grew to adore this show for all its eccentricities. The story follows a group of attractive boys who have started a Host Club to earn extra money by wooing girls, however one of the Host Club members is actually an unfortunate girl who has been duped into working as a host.

The comedy style of the series, though hard to understand fully at first, is brilliant. Since watching this I have seen some more anime and it seems as though a lot of the rely on physical humour whereas in this there is also a very good script that delivers funny lines without the need to add exaggerated animation. Furthermore, the longer you watch the series then the better you know the characters and the more inside jokes become apparent.

The characters seem to be staple anime characters but are very self-aware of this fact because, as part of the Host Club, everyone must fit into a typical type of attractive role.The good thing about these characters is that most of them are given their own episodes, the girl (Haruhi) is the character followed most often, but you get to see more about the boys and what makes them who they are. The fact that you explore the characters quite deeply, and in a short space of time because there has only been one series, means that the audience feels very attached to them.

This light-hearted programme creates a short but sweet series. There is something for everything, not only in the Host Club, but because it can be serious or funny or meaningful all in the same episode.Personally I found that it took some getting used to because of the difference between anime and the TV cartoons that I have watched all my life but I would recommend it to anyone. 

Sunday 8 September 2013

Pointless (2009 - ) - TV series aired on BBC

* * * * *

This TV show has a ridiculously simple premise but one that is very difficult to explain. Each category has been asked to 100 people and then the 8 contestants are trying to answer the same questions in the most obscure way possible in the hopes that none of the 100 people have said it. The number of people in that 100 who have is the number of points the player gets. At the end of the round the person with the highest points leaves.

The questions are brilliant because they span categories from the Oscars to types of lettuce to Olympic athletes. Every episode you can learn more useless information and also find out how many people know certain facts (for instance 100/100 people could finish this movie title: _______ I Shrunk the Kids.) The diversity of the possible questions makes every episode different and interesting.

The two hosts, Alexander Armstrong and Richard Osman, are wonderful. They have good chemistry, because they are friends from before the show, and this makes everything appear more light-hearted. Furthermore they talk to the contestants in a friendly way and are able to bring out the best in them. Some times of game shows I find myself wanting the contestants to lose but I never have that feeling on Pointless.

This is perfect viewing for anyone who likes gentle TV shows, with a little suspense and a lot of useless knowledge.

Saturday 7 September 2013

The Great Gatsby (2013) - Film directed by Baz Luhrmann

* * * * 1/2

Amazing film. Beautiful cinematography, careful casting and a wonderfully modern but reminiscent sound track. The film is a sceptical and perfectly represents the grandeur and excess of Gatsby and his lifestyle. A quick disclaimer that I have only read to book once and have not studied it in school, as many people seem to have, so my interpretation is heavily based on the film.

The casting is brilliant because first and foremost everyone can act to a high standard. Secondly they all fit into the 1920s era effortlessly whereas some people who do period films appear too modern in their mannerisms. In particular Gatsby (DiCaprio), Daisy (Mulligan) and Jordan (Debicki) give particularly strong performances.

Throughout the film I was constantly in awe of how it looked. Luhrmann didn't just focus on the party scenes or Gatsby's house but instead made every frame of the film beautiful. The sets were especially breathtaking and almost always filled with flowers, lights or people to enhance their beauty.

I cannot talk about the story because they seem to have stayed relativity faithful to the original book and Toby Maguire for most of the film seems to just be reading from the book in his narration.Obviously there are differences because cinema and literature are genres that have to be handled differently, as are the audiences of the time of the book's publication and the film's release.

The creators of this film brought the best of the 1920s into the 21st century. The beautiful outfits, brilliant cast and amazing music all added to the aesthetics of the film. No detail was overlooked to make this one of the most spectacular films of recent times and demonstrative of a good use of CGI.

Thursday 5 September 2013

Criminal Minds (2005 - ) - TV series aired on Sky Living

* * * * 1/2

Not my normal genre of TV programme because the 'whodunit' genre is often incredibly repetitive from episode to episode and even series to series. Criminal Minds, although you always know that they will catch the bad guy in the end, prevent the feeling of the plot stagnating by moving the people around America and also focusing on strong characters, from the leads to the criminals.

The most clever
difference between this crime series is that the investigators are not confined to one city. In fact they have a private jet which can carry them all around America. This changes the dynamic of the story every episode and can keep some audiences interested as they can relate to some places they go to.

This diversity is reflected in almost every aspect of the show. The criminals are various and include men, women, even children. Obviously the methods and motive change too which is incredibly interesting because it is then analysed from a psychological perspective. The main characters are also different and they maintain a good balance of male and female influence, which is often rare.

Personally the biggest appeal is the psychological aspect of the stories. The  detectives' job is to analyse the minds of the criminal to help the police find them. Looking at the psychological elements of the criminal mind is intriguing because rarely do real-life stories report on the mentality of a criminal. Sometimes the criminal is even sympathised with for various reasons and this is another refreshing variation from the norm of simply presenting all criminality as thuggish and inexplicable behaviour.

Criminal Minds is the perfect mix of originality and well thought through writing to produce a more interesting take on a classic genre. The characters are also carefully written to give them extensive personalities and make watching them enjoyable.

Wednesday 4 September 2013

Chronicle (2012) - Film directed by Josh Trank

* * * *

An amazing and interesting film which depicts a more realistic story of teenagers acquiring super powers. In a time when films are becoming uncreative and repetitive it is refreshing to see one that obviously had a lot of rational thought put into it because many of the events that occur seem vastly more plausible and like what would actually happen.

The acting in this, particularly from Dane DeHaan, is pretty good despite the fact they are playing fairly standard characters. The characters develop throughout and you can see how the power they have attained changes them. You can also see them just having fun with their powers, which other films have done such as Spiderman, but the fact that it is three guys hanging out while suspended in the clouds makes this extraordinary situation appear normal.

This balance of the ordinary and the extraordinary is what Trank manages so well. He takes people you might know and gives them powers you could only dream of. During some of the film I did not know where the plot was going and the film almost seemed happy with the odd hiccup here and there, however the film took a sudden darker turn. Chronicle has a fairly pessimistic take on humans attaining superpowers but both the good and the bad that happens seems plausible and neither detracts from the reality of the film.

The only slightly annoying point is that the character who is affected the most by the powers is the stereotypical outcast. This is a necessary plot point because it means he is set up to break but it is also an over-worked angle. The idea that the abused or lonely are on a razor edge from crazy is somewhat insulting and these people can be the strongest mentally.

Overall a great film just with a slightly irksome character for me personally because I normally identify with the shyer characters and they always seem to end up in the worst situations.However the overused characters do not outweigh the creativity of the film and the huge amount of effort put into the story.

Tuesday 3 September 2013

Catfish: The TV Show - TV series created for MTV

* * *

Highly entertaining and thought provoking for a generation brought up online. Each episode follows a new person who is struggling to meet the person they are in love with despite only ever having communicated online, some have never even heard the other person's voice. It always surprises you because the big reveals of who the people are can be bizarre but also showing the person as truthful.

Firstly the two hosts, Nev and Max, are very nice people and seem to be very adept at communicating with people. They help all the people who ask the too with everything and seemingly care about the outcome greatly. Without such caring and present hosts the show would be poorer.

The programme itself can obviously be belittled because it is entertainment caused by the troubles in other people's lives. You can argue that it is not overly respectfully done as the camera never seems to be off the people involved, even when they step away into a different room they remain miked and there seem to be cameras everywhere.

Doing a little research on the show reveals obvious problems with all reality based programmes and that is that there is very little that is actually real. This is at once disappointing but also somewhat relieving because, as I said before, the personal nature of this stories makes them seem intrusive. You can complain about inauthenticity as much as you like but firstly everyone being shown have obviously signed contracts to allow themselves to appear and also you should never believe everything you see on TV.

I feel that Catfish's strength is in quick entertainment, causing shock and tears for some who watch, but is also a strong cautionary tale. It reaffirms ideas of the dangers online and explains some tell-tale signs to aid people who may be in a similar situation.

Monday 2 September 2013

Howl's Moving Castle (1986) - Book by Diana Wynne Jones

* * * *

The book that sparked the famous Studio Ghibli movie was one of my childhood reads and after I realised that I knew the film version better than the original I thought that I had better reread it. Despite the same title the book and the film are actually very different stories, both equally good for their respective mediums.

The magical realm is created wonderfully as new magical characters or items are introduced slowly through the narrative. The fact that one of the strongest characters in the book is a fire demon name Calcifer shows how Diana Wynne Jones can deftly combine the normal with the extraordinary.
Diana's story is slightly different, following more characters and resolving things differently.
Personally I felt as though there were too many characters and in the final chapter was quite confused with who all the different people were. I think the writers of the film must have either felt the same way or decided that too many characters would cause the story to extend beyond the traditions 1.5-2 hours for children films. Either way their decision to remove a few unnecessary characters aided the story.

Only having read the first book, although there are 3 more, left me with a feeling of dissatisfaction because it ends quite abruptly. The final chapter contains everything and it becomes very rushed and simply ends. Another chapter or a epilogue, though quite extravagant for a children's book, would be helpful just to ease the reader out of the world.

Although it is a very quick and easy read for most adults and despite the flaws that I can pick in the book it is still a very worthwhile read because of the magnificent story, writing and characters which work together to create an entertaining book deserved of such a great film.

Sunday 1 September 2013

One Direction: This Is Us (2013) - Film directed by Morgan Spurlock

* * *

I did not go into this film with a lot of expectation as I have never seen on of the films that follow a band around and certainly not a band that I am not overly interested in. After watching the film, hearing their songs and seeing them behind the scenes I hate to admit that I am converted.

The footage of their concerts was incredibly well filmed, showing interaction with the cameras as well as the crowd. The most impressive moments was when the pictures on the screen flew off and became part of the performance. Not watching this in 3D it wasn't as impressive as I' sure that was meant to be but it was still a creative touch. The most memorable use of these was when the boys became comic book characters.

Watching the boys mess around was sometimes annoying because they do seem slightly immature and you can see why so many young girls like them, however Spurlock does a good job of piecing together touching and more serious moments that allow you to get to know them better. Obviously you don't know how real all the moments are but they seem genuine and most of the boys come across as likeable.

All-in-all it is not a great film but it had creative touches, probably thanks to the youthful audience in mind and a creative team behind it. Furthermore it is not an overly annoying or 'we're so great' seeming film about a band which is what I expected.