Saturday 12 October 2013

The Graham Norton Show (2007 - ) - Chat show created for the BBC

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This is the only chat show I watch because it is the only one, from the British and American ones that I have watched, that seem to be more about the guests than the hosts. A lot of times the host asks a loaded question to the guest and then waits for a short answer before delivering a punchline, the best thing about Graham Norton is he has comedians who make some of the jokes for him and relaxes the guests so that they can also be humorous. The dynamic of having huge Hollywood celebrities with British comedians and often musicians is amazing because often the Americans have no idea what is going on.

It's difficult to review a show that is so changeable because a lot of the time it depends on the guests and how interested in them you are. Generally the guests are really good, to be honest I prefer the lesser known acts rather than the big stars because the bigger ones can sometimes take themselves too seriously. The atmosphere is so relaxed because all the guests are close together and there isn't a table between them and the host. The dynamic can make for some really awkward situations but also some lovely crossing of different people.

Some of the additional elements of the Graham Norton Show are the best and the worst. I personally dislike his monologue at the beginning, but pretty much all the TV hosts do them and they're rarely interesting. The musical acts can also be hit or miss because sometimes they're really good (Will Smith comes to mind) and other times they're just filler. The best element of the show is the Red Chair which flips people over who don't tell an interesting enough story. This is enjoyable for the guests and audience and can produce some really hilarious stories.

In summation the show is really good because it has a little bit of everything. The guests are almost always good and the host brings out the best in them. I prefer it to the other British shows such as Jonathan Ross or Alan Carr so if I had to recommend a British chat show it would be this one.

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