Thursday 27 February 2014

Season by Season Review - Breaking Bad
Season Review no. 3: Season 3

5 word summary:
Getting better with every season!

5 sentence review:
The threat of the underworld is becoming more present for the characters and there were several moments when you worry about each character, which is brilliant because the best shows are the ones where you have no idea who is going to die.
The changes of Walt and Jesse's involvement in the meth industry is really interesting because they have been elevated to an industrial level, with the help of the sinister Gus, and this means that we see a very different working dynamic between the two compared to when they worked in the RV.
A few characters are being developed more, mostly Hank, Skyler and Marie, but this isn't necessarily a good thing because Hank is obsessive, Skyler is still unforgiving despite being willing to accept the drug money when it suits her and Marie is really horrible to everyone when Hank is in hospital.
A lot of these behaviours can be explained away, and the imperfection of these characters makes the show more believable, however this isn't a documentary, you can write unbelievable but likeable characters.
Overall the narrative progression is drawing me into the plot and I'm fascinated to see where the next 2 seasons take all these characters.

5 good things:
1. Fly episode (made me laugh, made me cry).
2. Badger and Skinny Pete being in it more.
3. Jesse messing around in the industrial meth lab.
4. Saul not being completely spineless and helping Walt and Jesse.
5. Showing rehab as positive and Badger and Skinny Pete not wanting to corrupt them.

5 bad thing:
1. The annoying 'threatening' Moncada silent brothers.
2. Odd drawing of Heisenberg which I don't think was explained (yet?).

3. Odd crawling scene which I don't think was explained (yet?).

4. 'Family is everything' drowning scene...necessary? Or just for shock factor?

Wednesday 26 February 2014

Director Focus - Paul Thomas Anderson

Film Review no. 3: Punch-Drunk Love (2002) 

5 word summary:
Couponing can be very lucrative.

5 sentence review:
I need to start this review by saying that I intensely dislike Adam Sandler, I dislike his films and acting and persona and I found it very difficult to look past that when watching this film, so that has definitely impaired my enjoyment.
This was a confused film, I thought it was about a shy/lonely man as he struggled to feel happy, however it was actually about a very angry and violent man who ends up with the nicest woman imaginable.
At the beginning I was very confused as to why everyone was so awkward with their acting, then I realised it was because Adam Sandler was/his character but then I remembered....why is everyone awkward?
All the conversations were stilted and I got annoyed at Sandler's sister for picking on him for being 'weird' when she was equally (if not more) so, and I can't work out if it is the direction, delivery or writing.
The film itself shows some interesting ideas, however this has to be the weakest Paul Thomas Anderson out of the three I've seen.

5 good things:
1. Emily Watson
2. Luis Guzmán (I'm becoming a bit of a fan)
3. Extreme couponing.
4. Only 95 minutes.

5 bad things:
1. Adam Sandler.
2. The All three? Just one?
3. The weird art-house fuzzy colourful lines.
4. Lack of explanation for a lot of things.
5. Violence/aggression not solve or presented as much of a problem.

Tuesday 25 February 2014

Season by Season Review - Breaking Bad
Season Review no. 2: Season 2

5 word summary:
Breaking Bad is the drug.

5 sentence review:
This is when Breaking Bad started getting really good for me, it has surpassed simply tom-foolery around two amateurs making meth and has now incorporated more interesting themes.
The most interesting relationship (between Walter and Jesse) is broken down in this season which is disappointing, although I love Jesse and Jane together (Jesse definitely has a lot of character progression from just a boy who says 'yo' a lot).
Walt's movement towards a darker character is fascinating because it is so well written and acted, at no point do you think 'this is unrealistic', instead you are just swept away with it.
Despite the show taking a darker turn there are still moments of comedy and happiness which allow for the audience to relax for a few moments (before tensions runs high again!)
An IMDb rating of 9.6 still seems awfully high, because it means a vast number of people actually agreeing with each other, however it is beginning to warrant its rating (hopefully the next 3 seasons also keep improving).

5 good things:
1. Jesse and Jane
2. Introduction of Saul
3. Introduction of Gus
4. Ooooooh the death at the end!!
5. Character progression

5 bad things:
1. Less of Walter and Jesse
2. Less meth cooking times

3. The season long suspense built up to...a plane crash?

4. Ooooooh the death at the end!!!
5. Walt's evil progression.

Friday 21 February 2014

Season by Season Review - Breaking Bad

Season Review no. 1: Season 1

5 word summary:
America needs an NHS now.

5 sentence review:
This is my third attempt at watching Breaking Bad and the third time really is the charm because I'm actually enjoying it and blasted through the first 7 episode season in one day.
I have to say that I didn't find it spectacular, or any other superfluous word that could be used to describe this 9.6 IMDb rated TV programme.
Instead it was well-balanced with humour and seriousness and had very interesting points but I wouldn't necessarily continue watching if I didn't know the hype.
It doesn't take itself too seriously, which is good, and is able to almost masterfully weave the comedic elements with the overly dark themes, this is a testament to the writing and acting on the show.
Although well made that doesn't mean it is enjoyable and there were times when I wasn't necessarily paying attention because there was a lot of talking which seemed superfluous because the action outshines it, hopefully I will become more gripped next season and will be clinging onto every word.

5 good things:
1. Use of a character/actor with cerebral palsy without making it centric to his character.
2.  Using very graphic language and some sex scenes but not gratuitous nudity (except for Mr. White in his whites).
3. The acting/interpersonal acting.
4. Awesome explosion.
5. Learning science stuff.

5 bad things:
1. Lack of diverse ethnicities for major characters.
2. I thought Marie (Skyler's sister) was played by RJ Mitte (Walt. Jr.) in drag until IMDbing her.
3. Making me sad and think about cancer.
4. The title doesn't make a lot of sense (although I've heard it so often that I just accept it now).
5. Doesn't live up to the hype...yet.

Thursday 20 February 2014

Director Focus - Paul Thomas Anderson

Film Review no. 2: Hard Eight (1996)

5 word summary:
Gambling won't make you happy.

5 sentence review:
After watching Boogie Nights, this was a bit of a disappointment.
It was a very slow film (based on the Noir genre which I can't claim to be a fan of) and it focused on fairly unoriginal plot about four people who get entangled in a fairly minor crime (for cinematic standards).
The film felt  like an indie film, with techniques used such as shots of items on a diner table and the dialogue simply played over the top, and this was enjoyable to watch (because I don't watch a lot of indie films).
Despite the indie feel, I also found some moments very Hollywood, especially when Samuel L. Jackson reveals something about
Philip Baker Hall character's past which just seems oddly forced and over dramatic.
The messages were slightly crooked and I didn't know how I was meant to take the ending, however its enjoyable moments were enjoyable but there was a lot that could be improved (for my personal need-thrills-every-scene taste).

5 good things:
1. The cast.
2. The casino rate card trick.
3. Small group of characters (only 4 major).
4. It's only 101 minutes.
5. Gwyneth Paltrow doesn't always look perfect.

5 bad things:
1. Everyone smoking constantly.
2. Philip Seymour Hoffman's character only being in it for a tiny scene and with little explanation.
3. The big reveal of Sydney's motives
4. The title seemed unnecessary and any scene that mentioned a 'hard eight' didn't seem overly important to me. (Although apparently PTA wanted to call it Sydney).
5. How often they hit the hostage man.

Wednesday 19 February 2014

Director Focus - Paul Thomas Anderson

Film Review no. 1: Boogie Nights (1997) 

5 word summary:
Inside view of porn industry.

5 sentence review:
Amazing film about an interesting, and often taboo, topic.
This doesn't skirt over some of the more unpleasant details (in fact it dwells on some of them at length) and does not present the life as glamorous or desirable a lot of the time.
Anderson gathered together a ridiculously talented cast, most of whom are still heavy-hitters today, and they deliver his clever and funny script perfectly.
It's a bright, bold and brash film, especially for such a young director, but this makes the film powerful and engaging throughout, despite its 155 minute running time.
Admittedly this film isn't for the faint hearted because there is sex, drugs and disco dancing, however if you stick with it, Boogie Nights will not disappoint.

5 good things:
1. The cast.
2. The way it is filmed (from cinematography to shot angles).
3. The clothes/hair/make up.
4. The humour throughout (it doesn't take itself too seriously).
5. Alfred Molina's scene.
(6. The soundtrack).

5 bad things:
1. Sexist (every women either provides sex or is demonised).
2. Mark Wahlberg's hair.
3. The fact I thought Burt Reynolds was Sean Connery
4. The fact Alfred Molina wasn't in it more.
5. The fact I can't think of a 5th thing (although no. 1 is a pretty big problem).

Tuesday 18 February 2014

Brooklyn Nine-Nine (2014 -  ) - TV programme on Channel 4

5 word summary:
Odd-ball police officers solve crimes.

5 sentence review:
I do not understand why people like this TV show so much.
There have only been bout 5/6 episodes shown the the UK and I've seen 3 (or so) of them (I really tried) but I found it boring, unfunny and try-hard.
It follows the typical American TV idea where there is a cast of quirky characters who have to deal with each other, I normally love these types of TV shows (Community, The Office, etc.) however I feel as though this one doesn't create interesting or funny enough character.
I find the characters either unlikeable or uninteresting or stereotypical seen-before types.
I'm not a huge fan of police shows (except for Criminal Minds and Castle) so this may be another reason why I don't really like this programme.

5 good things:
1. The diversity of genders and races.
2. Terry Crews
3. The fact that it's only 20 minute long episodes.
4. The fact that Mose from The Office wrote it.

5 bad things:
1. The characters.
2. The comedy.
3. The title.
4. The plots.
5. The theme.

Sunday 16 February 2014

Her (2014) - Film directed and written by Spike Jonze

5 word summary:
Love is complicated (as always).

5 sentence review:
This film seemed like a self-help book set in the future, which I wasn't expected and was disappointed about, however this is mostly because I strongly detest films like this because they provide a bildungsroman type of character who we are meant to care about and I just don't (Perks of Being a Wallflower and The Way Way Back are other examples that come to mind) .
I was watching hoping to see an interesting and unique love story, instead I was punched in the face with moralistic spiel about how unique and complicated humans and love are.
It follows the trend that many auteur films do because these creator believes that (s)he know a lot, and what they know is worth listening to; as Jonze wrote and directed Her he is an auteur director, in my opinion, and follows the pattern of presenting his views and musings on life as fact.
If Jonze had handed this story over to someone who could have written it from a less personal stand-point I think this film would have improved, but this is clearly just my opinion that not many other people agree with.
Aside from the rather pointless plot and unnecessarily preachy script the film was masterfully directed and acted, I can understand why so many people love it however I find it very difficult to overlook one of my major cinematic pet-peeves, preaching.

5 good things:
1. Joaquin Phoenix's performance.
2. The realistic and relaxed presentation of the future.
3. Amy Adams!
4.The look of the film (especially the use of space).
5. People being accepting of Operating System relationships.

5 bad things:
1. Joaquin Pheonix's unexplained moustache.
2. The preachy nature of the script
3. The ending (I didn't understand it so may need to watch again)
4. How little Rooney Mara, Chris Pratt and Olivia Wilde were in it.
5. The beauty spot the surrogate Samantha wore.

Friday 14 February 2014

The Lego Movie (2014) - Film directed/written by Phil Lord and Christopher Miller

5 word summary:
Normal is not always bad.

5 sentence review:
This film is very funny but with a certain type of humour, similar to Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs (which is also created by Lord and Miller), and this could leave a lot of audience members cold but I thoroughly enjoyed the geeky, immature humour (especially after the rather exhausting Oscar fodder we've all been fed recently).
To enhance your enjoyment of the film you have to connect with your inner child, not only because you are being asked to relate to Lego figures, but because of the amount of butt jokes throughout.
The plot does suffer slightly from being simplified; this could also be attributed to the self-aware nature of the film, however it does make the film quite boring and predictable (and reminds you that you are watching a children's film).
Maturity can be found in the animation which is impeccable, they use Lego for everything (EVERYTHING) from water to fire to smoke and it is amazing.
For such a random film they could have gotten away with much worse, and less time consuming, animation but it is wonderful that they decided to really put their all into the film because it elevates all the less interesting moments because you can just stare at the animation.

5 good things:
1. Lego sea (the animation in general).
2. 'Spaceship! SpAcEsHiP! SPACESHIP!'
3. The real world moments (not being specific to avoid spoilers)
4. Voice cameos
5. Everything is awesome!

5 bad things:
1. Some jokes fell a little flat.
2. Batman, Superman, even Green Lantern...where is my Spiderman?
3. Makes me feel as though I have inadequate Lego skills.
4. Bloody. Love. Triangle. (of sorts)
5. Everything is awesome! ♫ stuck in my head.

Thursday 13 February 2014

Change of format:

After a rather wonderful seminar with Helen O'Hara and Alastair Plumb, from Empire, I have decided to change up the formula of this blog.

My reviews will now rotate around the number 5:

Rating out of 5
5 word summary
5 sentence review
5 good things (if possible)
5 bad things (if possible)

This is still in beta-testing phase so this may change again, but we'll have to see how much I like this.
Hopefully I'll be posting a lot more (especially because now I won't have to write such long reviews) and hopefully this format will be more enjoyable to read as well as write.

Thank you,

Skruff :)