Season by Season Review - Breaking Bad
Season Review no. 3: Season 3
5 word summary:
Getting better with every season!
5 sentence review:
threat of the underworld is becoming more present for the characters
and there were several moments when you worry about each character,
which is brilliant because the best shows are the ones where you have no
idea who is going to die.
The changes of
Walt and Jesse's involvement in the meth industry is really interesting
because they have been elevated to an industrial level, with the help of
the sinister Gus, and this means that we see a very different working
dynamic between the two compared to when they worked in the RV.
A few characters are being developed more, mostly Hank, Skyler and Marie, but this isn't necessarily a good thing because
Hank is obsessive, Skyler is still unforgiving despite being willing to
accept the drug money when it suits her and Marie is really horrible to
everyone when Hank is in hospital.
A lot of
these behaviours can be explained away, and the imperfection of these
characters makes the show more believable, however this isn't a
documentary, you can write unbelievable but likeable characters.
the narrative progression is drawing me into the plot and I'm
fascinated to see where the next 2 seasons take all these characters.
5 good things:
1. Fly episode (made me laugh, made me cry).
2. Badger and Skinny Pete being in it more.
3. Jesse messing around in the industrial meth lab.
4. Saul not being completely spineless and helping Walt and Jesse.
5. Showing rehab as positive and Badger and Skinny Pete not wanting to corrupt them.
5 bad thing:
1. The annoying 'threatening' Moncada silent brothers.
2. Odd drawing of Heisenberg which I don't think was explained (yet?).
3. Odd crawling scene which I don't think was explained (yet?).
4. 'Family is everything' drowning scene...necessary? Or just for shock factor?
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