Monday 3 March 2014

Just 5 quick thoughts on 2014 Oscars:

1.       Although I haven’t seen 12 Years a Slave, from what I’ve been hearing it was the best of the rest. I will now be rushing out to watch it ASAP.

2.       I’m very happy Jared Leto and Lupita Nyong'o won for their best supporting roles.

3.       Evilly I am equally pleased that American Hustle won absolutely nothing because I didn’t feel it deserved nominations anyway, it was a very bland film with a very big cast.
4.       I don’t think that Her should have won Best Original Screenplay, because I hated the way it was written, I thought it was clichéd and quite boring.

5.       It’s not a surprise but Gravity definitely deserved all its cinematography, editing and visual effects awards.

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