Thursday 10 April 2014

Captain America: The Winter Soldier - Newest Marvel film


5 word summary:
You can't trust anyone, ever.

5 sentence review:
Probably the best Marvel Studio film that I've seen, although I do say that as someone who isn't very interested in any of the Avengers (prefer X-Men or Spiderman).

When I came home I explained it to my parents as a Marvel film with much more focus on the plot than simply 'look how cool superheroes are!' (Although there was also so many great fight sequences and general inner-5-year-old wonderment).

We are given a little more about a lot of the characters, from Nick Fury to Black Widow, and everyone (even Captain America) comes across as more human, showing tears and flaws rather than being excessively bad-ass all the time.

The film does have a slight feeling of being a filler film, it sets up a lot and helps to introduce/develop characters for future events; of course all these films are interconnected so there is filler/linkage in all of them, but sometimes I felt it quite strongly in this one (possibly because it's the one directly before the big one, The Avengers).

The two end of credit scenes were really interested and worth waiting for, I'm so excited to see how Winter Soldier's character develop and hope that Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver will be as good a villains as Winter Soldier was.

5 good things:
1. The cast (especially the new-comers).
2. The fight sequences.
3. The Winter Soldier = awesome.
4. Explosions!!
5. Abed?!

5 bad things:
1. So many bullets and yet so few people actually hit (why does no one shoot at Captain America's legs? The shield doesn't cover his entire body).
2. Some of the dialogue was very cheesy (which is ok for the Captain, but not for Natasha).
3. Why is Black Widow in every other film but still not her own?
4. Why is there always a black side-kick but not a black superhero with their own film?
5. Some scenes felt unnecessary.

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