Tuesday 6 May 2014

Animation Week (Day 1): 5 Best Pixar Films


1. Up (2009)
Charming, funny and beautiful. Fascinating story about dealing with the loss of a loved one and seeking adventure. The main reason this is my number one is because of the flawless opening sequence which, to this day, is one of the greatest cinematic openings ever. You'll laugh, you'll genuinely cry and you'll leave the cinema smiling. What more could you want from a film?


2. Toy Story (1995)
This film is filled with amazing characters, not just Woody and Buzz, who can make any adult or child laugh. The soundtrack for this film was particularly strong, especially with Randy Newman's amazing voice put to the opening credits. Considering how old the animation is, it doesn't look too dated and is a testament to Pixar as not just great story-tellers but also astonishing animators. This, as a first film, is possibly the strongest start a company can ever have. Toy Story captures the magic of childhood in a way few other films have managed to do.


3. Toy Story 3 (2010)
A great way to (potentially) end this trilogy. Similar to Toy Story 2, this adds in a few new characters to help keep momentum going (and generate more merchandise). This came out when I was turning 18 so the growing and leaving things you love behind really hits home for me, and many people in my generation. Yet another Pixar film that will make you feel every emotion under the sun. I don't know if there will be a 4th, or if it's even necessary but a 4th instalment would be welcomed by me.


4. Wall-E (2008)
Probably the prettiest Pixar film, they even managed to make living in a wasteland look romantic. Wall-E is somehow one of the most endearing characters even without really speaking and no recognisable facial movements. Although it can be read as slightly preachy about Global Warming, it's told in such a friendly way that most people won't mind. The love story, which is quite rare in Pixar films, is so endearing and enjoyable but doesn't overtake the plot. I can't believe that Pixar managed to make, what is essentially, a dystopian film and still make it charming.

5. Monster's Inc (2001)
Probably the funniest of Pixar's film but it doesn't shy away from the sentimental stuff either. Pixar do pairing very well (Woody and Buzz, Marlin and Dory) but Mike and Sully are my favourite friends. Watching this after having seen Monster's Uni, I was shocked at how simplistic the animation is (go back and re-watch, it's weird) but Pixar were so ambitious for their time, especially with Sully's fur, it's amazing that it looked as good as it did. I was even some how converted into liking little Boo, which is another achievement because I am an adamant child disliker. I was so pleased when Monster's Uni came out, but I do want a sequel to see how Boo turns out.

 P.S. Having finished this list I keep thinking of all the other Pixar films that could be here. Top 5 really does chop and change depending on how I'm feeling. To be honest, you can't go wrong with any Pixar film, so this list is almost irrelevant. Left it until the end to say so though ;)

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