Wednesday 28 November 2012

Rushmore (1998)

* * * 1/2

This quirky comedy shows another shade of the darkness of unrequited love, although it does not have as tragic an ending as Romeo and Juliet. A good cast with a good script cannot go far wrong.
This film does not have big explosions or slap-stick gags and therefore rests on the strength of its characters and the story. Therefore the characters of this film all have clearly defined personalities and this aids the audience's interest in their story. Our main character (Max played by Jason Schwartzman) seems almost Tim Burton-esc in both looks and odd demeanour and he carries the film well.

IMDb defines it as a comedy-drama and there is a well balanced mix of both and neither eclipses the other. Although there are few laugh-out-loud moments there is a constant light-hearted humour present throughout.

A problem with this film is that it revolves around a familiar plot and one that seems to have an obvious ending. Although well done it could be seen as somewhat slow paced and predictable.

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